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“I feel as though I am slowly dying. As if I can feel ‘life’ slowly exiting my imperfect body. My souls light, slowly fading with each new blemish, and my flesh, under constant scrutiny and examination of the societal need to preserve itself, is slowly disintegrating to nothing... and I like it.” 



My artwork takes a view of the human physical condition as it is deconstructed into two states; Life and Death. 

We take the viewer from life, as the human body is on a constant collision course with age, bringing it to death and decay. Each work brings to focus the concept of time, and the human conditions imminent need to postpone death, even in all its inevitability. The physical movement of the subject in each piece is active, alive, and yet their physical body is disheveled and falling apart. These pieces show societies need to try an outrun old age and death. Even after the fact that the physical flesh of the subject, in each of the paintings, shows that time has already expired - OJ Hansen Los Angeles California. 

still series

disentigration series

pressed series


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